Full Spectrum Doula

Desired Births

About Your Doula

I am a dedicated and compassionate Birth Doula with a strong focus on Black Maternal Mental Health. With a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by Black birthing individuals, I'm committed to providing comprehensive, culturally sensitive support throughout the entire perinatal journey. Drawing from her expertise and experience, I aim to address the disparities and systemic issues that impact the mental well-being of Black mothers and birthing persons. I believe in empowering and advocating for individuals, ensuring that they receive the highest quality care and support during this transformative period. With a warm and empathetic approach, I foster an environment of trust, guiding clients through the emotional and physical aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum, ultimately helping them achieve a positive birth experience.

By offering evidence-based information, emotional support, and advocacy, I ensure that clients are empowered to make informed decisions about their care. I am deeply committed to creating a safe, inclusive space for Black birthing individuals and their families, facilitating open dialogue and fostering a sense of empowerment, resilience, and well-being throughout the perinatal journey.

Everyone deserves to have a birth they desire

Birth Doula

Starting at $750

  • Benefit from two to three prenatal visits, which I will assist you in creating a personalized birth plan tailored to your preferences and needs.
  • Enjoy unlimited support through phone, email, and text, ensuring you have access to assistance and guidance whenever you need it.
  • Experience continuous support throughout your labor and delivery, with a dedicated doula by your side, providing comfort, encouragement, and advocacy.
  • Receive one postpartum visit in the comfort of your home, allowing us to debrief your birth experience and offer support with basic infant care and feeding.

4 week Child Birth Education Course

Starting at $200

  • Gain insights into the normal discomforts experienced during the later stages of pregnancy.
  • Explore the various stages of labor, including the physical and emotional changes that occur.
  • Learn to recognize the signs indicating the start of labor, understand how to manage early labor at home.
  • Discover natural methods to alleviate discomfort during labor, including breathing techniques, relaxation exercises, and positions that can enhance your comfort and coping abilities.
  • Breathing and Relaxation Techniques: Learn effective breathing and relaxation techniques that can be utilized as powerful tools to navigate the challenges of labor and enhance your overall birthing experience.
  • Prepare yourself for the physical and emotional changes that occur after your baby is born.
  • Learn about the importance of the "Golden Hour" following birth, a precious time for bonding and early breastfeeding initiation.